Chances are you are in the 75% of American's who worry about money on a regular basis. Think about the last time you worried about money. Was it within the last month? The last week? The last day? Read on for some tips on how to manage your money stress. These aren't easy fixes & won't immediately take your feelings of worrying about money away, but if you work this plan, you WILL start to feel more positive about money.
Know your Financial Facts
So many people feel it's easy to sweep the actual numbers under the rug. They feel that it would be too stressful to actually fully understand their Financial Facts. However, I am here to tell you that the longer you ignore something, the worse it gets. As soon as you gain the knowledge & understand the facts, you can start to create a plan & reach your goals. You cannot do that if you are still ignoring your money situation.
Shift your Mindset
The more negative we feel about something, the more stressful that thing becomes. Shifting your mindset isn't always easy, but there are small changes you can start making today. Instead of saying things like "I'll never pay off this debt" say instead "It's time to create a plan for this debt so I can start seeing some progress, no matter how small." Stop saying "I'm just not good with money!" and instead say "I'm ready to gain some information & get more informed about my finances." Take the negative thoughts you have about money, & force yourself to turn those into positive statements. Even if you don't initially believe the positive statements you tell yourself, if you keep it up you WILL start to believe them, & take action to reach your goals.
Start small! I promise you that no Olympic athlete ever succeeded without first taking one step. Getting started is the hardest part, so starting small helps build that motivation! Create a plan & then take one small step to work on that plan. Start an auto transfer from your checking to your savings of $10 a month. Increase your credit card payment by $10 each month. Set aside a bucket in you savings account for a dream vacation, and start putting in just $5 a month.
Talk to someone! This is such an important step. As money continues to be a taboo topic, so many people hold in their feelings & their money stress without talking about it. Find a trusted friend, partner or Coach to begin telling your Money Story. While talking about money may seem stressful, I promise once you get it out, you will start worrying less about money because you will feel less isolated & more in control.
When you are truly ready to stop worrying about money, following these steps will help you become more confident in your finances. Understanding the facts, shifting your mindset & taking action will set you on a path of creating AND accomplishing your financial goals.