Financial Education

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Podcasts with
Listen in for more Financial Education on these podcasts!
Listen to Angie Giltner & I discuss all things money! This is such a fun podcast to listen to!
Listen to Marcus Schaller & I discuss marketing practices. This is a great conversation, even if marketing isn't your thing!
Listen in as ACTION Coach Scott MacMeans & I talk all about how I started my business & how I work with clients.
Tips on finding financial freedom - Listen as Heather Drago, CleverGirl Marketing, and I discuss financial freedom!
Festive Funds webinar - Watch here to learn how to reduce spending AND reduce stress this holiday season!
Arner Adventures Financial Wellness - Join myself & the wonderful Shannon Arner as we discuss fear around money.
Holiday stress - I'm back on That's a Hard No podcast with Heather Drago! Listen in for tips on reducing holiday stress.
Wedding Budget Talk - Join me on Behind the Veil podcast to learn all about the importance of a wedding budget & how to discuss money with your partner.

There are so many wonderful books, but I am listing just a few of my favorites. This list may change as I read more.
The Psychology of Money, Morgen Housel - very focused on investing, but even if investing isn't your thing (which is me!) I still encourage you to read this one
Happy Money, Ken Honda - a lot of great mindset stuff in this one!
We Should All Be Millionaires, Rachel Rogers - definitely a must read for all women, but men would get a lot out of this book as well
I think reading financial books is important, but there are a ton of other great reads out there that can help you feel more confident!
The 12-Week Year, Brian P. Morgan - a great book for goal setting motivation!
BARE, Susan Hyatt - She is a weight loss coach, but even if you are in perfect physical health, I recommend this book!
Educated, Tara Westover - this is a great one to help you appreciate what you have and look at your upbringing in a more positive way